Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The shock has warn off...

now the panic is setting in...I have so much to do!! I am praying that after this week my job slows down and no more 50-55 hour weeks for awhile. My class is a lot of work but will be done right before we leave so that is good. Anyway, we have a lot of awesome people in our lives who have offered to help us which is a true blessing!! We have friends who are going to take Nicky and some other friends who are taking the dogs...what a relief to have that figured out! Simon's last day at the bank is next Tuesday so he will be home with Nicky and has a lot of projects around the house to knock out.

Praying for peace as we wait for travel dates!!


One Hot Homestead said...


Let me know if you need anything. We have a Bradt Ethiopia Travel Guide that was really helpful reading on the plane and we also have a international outlet adapter which we will not be needing ourselves for awhile.