Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Movin on up

Two very exciting things on the Adoption, finally I have something to update!

  1. Our dossier is on its way to Ethiopia!
  2. We are #2 on the list and the #1 family has been presented with a referral, if they accept we will be the "new #1"!!

With the changes in the process in Ethiopia, Simon and I thought it would be at least until January before we received a referral. It looks like we were wrong! We have not really been doing any planning because we thought we had 6 months or more to wait. Well, after today we have put the planning back in gear. We also need to be ready to right a large check for the country fee, we need your prayers for that!


Kore and possibly Eric. said...

Hi!! Just read your good news (connected two and two through the yahoo loop.) SO excited for you all. Almost #1. I bet it will happen any day! Praying!